Lake Erie Chapter Scholarships
For nearly 20 years, our PSAA Chapter has been granting Robert W. Sparks and Ernest E. Fryer scholarships to deserving local students attending Penn State. To date, our Chapter has donated over $100,000 towards Penn State scholarships.
To ensure we would be able to continue awarding scholarships, in 2012 we agreed to create and begin funding an Endowed Trustee Scholarship. Unlike our existing scholarship programs, the Endowed Trustee Scholarship Fund generates a guaranteed amount annually in scholarship funds. We surpassed our original goal of raising $50,000 and currently have over $71,553 in the Endowed Trustee Scholarship Fund.
We ask that you would please consider donating to one of our scholarship funds to help local deserving students attend a Penn State campus. These gifts can make a huge difference to students as college tuition continues to dramatically increase. You can find letters from recent recipients at the bottom of the page.
Please find highlights of each of our three scholarship funds as well as a link to donate. Please keep in mind any donation is eligible for a tax deduction and a tax receipt will be issued by Penn State if donating through the link below.
Robert W. Sparks Memorial Scholarship –
To provide recognition and financial assistance to (at least) a sophomore, junior or senior who has achieved superior records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success and have demonstrated financial need.
Ernest E. Fryer Division of Undergraduate Studies Scholarship –
To provide recognition and financial assistance to outstanding freshmen or sophomores enrolled in the Division of Academic Undergraduate Studies at Penn State–Erie.
LEC-PSAA Endowed Trustee Scholarship –
To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at the Pennsylvania State University who have demonstrated need for financial assistance to meet their necessary college expenses.
Please click on the link below to donate to any of our scholarships.
Recent Recipient Letters:
Please don't hesitate to contact one of the board members if you have any questions regarding these Scholarships.
To ensure we would be able to continue awarding scholarships, in 2012 we agreed to create and begin funding an Endowed Trustee Scholarship. Unlike our existing scholarship programs, the Endowed Trustee Scholarship Fund generates a guaranteed amount annually in scholarship funds. We surpassed our original goal of raising $50,000 and currently have over $71,553 in the Endowed Trustee Scholarship Fund.
We ask that you would please consider donating to one of our scholarship funds to help local deserving students attend a Penn State campus. These gifts can make a huge difference to students as college tuition continues to dramatically increase. You can find letters from recent recipients at the bottom of the page.
Please find highlights of each of our three scholarship funds as well as a link to donate. Please keep in mind any donation is eligible for a tax deduction and a tax receipt will be issued by Penn State if donating through the link below.
Robert W. Sparks Memorial Scholarship –
To provide recognition and financial assistance to (at least) a sophomore, junior or senior who has achieved superior records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success and have demonstrated financial need.
Ernest E. Fryer Division of Undergraduate Studies Scholarship –
To provide recognition and financial assistance to outstanding freshmen or sophomores enrolled in the Division of Academic Undergraduate Studies at Penn State–Erie.
LEC-PSAA Endowed Trustee Scholarship –
To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at the Pennsylvania State University who have demonstrated need for financial assistance to meet their necessary college expenses.
Please click on the link below to donate to any of our scholarships.
Recent Recipient Letters:
Please don't hesitate to contact one of the board members if you have any questions regarding these Scholarships.
Update to Scholarship Fund

As you (hopefully!!) know, in November 2012 the LEC Board of Directors decided to commit our Chapter to funding an endowed scholarship. Officially titled the "Lake Erie Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association Trustee Scholarship", the major difference between this scholarship and the Chapter's Robert W. Sparks Scholarship is that we must raise $50,000 before June 30, 2017 to fully fund the endowed scholarship. Once fully funded we will be able to offer scholarships to local students each year (regardless of how well our annual fund raising efforts perform) in perpetuity - which is a long time! The endowed scholarships offer some very attractive incentives to those who choose to fund them. First, the University matches the contributions made to the fund at a rate of 4.5%. That is an excellent rate, especially considering where interest rates have been for the last couple of years. Also, the University will contribute 5% of the face value of the Scholarship to our "bank account" each year (even after the scholarship is funded), which means we can award at least $2,500 in scholarships annually to deserving local students. The first two of these scholarships have been awarded to local students. The "Thank You" notes received clearly show how important this aid is to these students and how thankful they are to have been selected as the recipients.
You can contribute in a couple of different ways: cash payments, credit card payments or electronic fund transfers. To make your gift, simply return the contribution form below with your donation, or go to: to give online.
You can contribute in a couple of different ways: cash payments, credit card payments or electronic fund transfers. To make your gift, simply return the contribution form below with your donation, or go to: to give online.